
本人關耀豪, 是多倫多地區的全職房產中介, 現任恒生地產的分區經理. 
在本人投身房地產行業前, 曾自行創業并經營不同的業務, 包括 Maple Leaf Wine – 專營餐酒出口, 并在中國五個城市設有零售店舖.
最後, 我終於在多倫多的房產行業, 得以運用之前積累的業務經驗及商業觸覺:投身房產中介的第一年(2013), 我促成了一個售價$17,000,000的市中心地標房產的成交. 從始每年都躋身公司內表現最佳的中介之一. 最近更被Toronto’s Best 網站評為Number 1 房產中介, 經常在本地或全國性的媒體受訪, 評論對房地產市場的意見.
我在 U of Western Ontario 畢業後, 曾在聯邦政界服務過, 曾任大使John McCallum (前加拿大駐中國大使, 前國防部長)的特別助理.
本人堅信及支持回饋社區, 有幸受安省省長委任, 同時担任Ontario Heritage Trust 及 Ontario Trillium 的委員.
與此同時, 我十分珍惜與太太及兩位女兒(Izzy and Marley)相處的時間 – 目前我們在多倫多midtown 的新房子正在建築中.

Isaac Quan  Manager | Broker

关耀豪     多伦多地产经纪

I have done 4 real estate transactions with Isaac  over the last several years, both on the buy side and the sell side. Isaac has always been a pleasure to deal with. He has optimized the purchase price and sale price on my side of each transaction. He leverages his extensive network in the industry including the media. He pro-actively updates me on real estate trends and developments. Isaac is a real estate professional who is responsive, insightful and creates a lot of value add. He is definitely my “go-to”, default real estate advisor and broker.

Our team has over 40 years of experience in delivering top real estate results. With over 700 Realtors and staff we have all the support necessary to help you navigate this uncertain market.